Saturday, April 25, 2015,-113.496203,3a,52.5y,161.39h,75.87t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1szDqv4eg4JSso7wZmsaZ1wg!2e0!4m15!1m12!4m11!1m3!2m2!1d-113.4953472!2d53.5187592!1m6!1m2!1s0x53a0220fd27fec71:0xccdc4d864d5f9a02!2sosys!2m2!1d-113.496204!2d53.518983!3m1!1s0x53a0220fd27fec71:0xccdc4d864d5f9a02!6m1!1e1
Edmonton is beautiful.

Not everyone can see the beauty in the city. But there are some perspectives not everyone knows about.

I was born in the Misericordia hospital in 1982. I grew up in Saint Albert, Little Polish family,  french immersion. And when my parents split, my world feel apart. I was a 12 year old from a broken home and in the perfect world of St Albert I was devastated.
I was that twelve year old, whose mom had to work nights. Whose brother was a restless angry teenager. Whose father didn't have the drive to man and be a dad.
My mother left my father in 1994, took us from our home and moved us into one of those massive housing complexes.
That's  where I learned to smoke. I remember the first time I invited someone over, one of the neighborhood kids and he stole the five bucks I had laying on my counter. I didn't see it coming.

St Albert was beautiful. Divorce and broken homes are beautiful.

My mother moved me to Poland when I turned 13. I lived in a small rural community with my grandmother for a year.

I moved back to Edmonton