Saturday, April 25, 2015,-113.496203,3a,52.5y,161.39h,75.87t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1szDqv4eg4JSso7wZmsaZ1wg!2e0!4m15!1m12!4m11!1m3!2m2!1d-113.4953472!2d53.5187592!1m6!1m2!1s0x53a0220fd27fec71:0xccdc4d864d5f9a02!2sosys!2m2!1d-113.496204!2d53.518983!3m1!1s0x53a0220fd27fec71:0xccdc4d864d5f9a02!6m1!1e1
Edmonton is beautiful.

Not everyone can see the beauty in the city. But there are some perspectives not everyone knows about.

I was born in the Misericordia hospital in 1982. I grew up in Saint Albert, Little Polish family,  french immersion. And when my parents split, my world feel apart. I was a 12 year old from a broken home and in the perfect world of St Albert I was devastated.
I was that twelve year old, whose mom had to work nights. Whose brother was a restless angry teenager. Whose father didn't have the drive to man and be a dad.
My mother left my father in 1994, took us from our home and moved us into one of those massive housing complexes.
That's  where I learned to smoke. I remember the first time I invited someone over, one of the neighborhood kids and he stole the five bucks I had laying on my counter. I didn't see it coming.

St Albert was beautiful. Divorce and broken homes are beautiful.

My mother moved me to Poland when I turned 13. I lived in a small rural community with my grandmother for a year.

I moved back to Edmonton 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Another day, another jump at the dollar. You have a community? Who care's we all do, but not all of us understand that.
We can strive to find one another amongst all the shit, or we can be one. That's it.

It's funny because the only separation that seems to occur between those of us  that can come want to come together is the ideaology.

In one hand we have the youth, and youth are self destructive by nature. There is a curiosity there that's unresolved in youth and it makes the world a much more dynamic place.
The adult generations are preserving the past, it's a survival skill too... hence there is a clash.
The funny thing is that adults can take on more risk and manage it. There is a larger capacity to bear the consequence of action by adults. This is a booger